Question About My Girlfriend


New member
Sep 21, 2004
OK Guys I have to ask for some help in here

I have been dating this woman for the last 8 months. She is 31 and was married for 4 years but her soon to be ex decided that he did not want kids and they decided to break things off aver 2 years ago. So at that time they both started fooling around with long time friends. My girlfriend had been friends with a guy for a while and they started dating and he is a wild a crazy biker guy. The total opposite of her tastes. So she went to strip clubs with him, had a threesome with a stripper, sucked one of his friends off. OK I know that she sounds like a whore but she was just revounding from a marriage gone wrong. So she broke things off with him over a year ago and then we started dating about 6 months later. The first 6 months were awesome. Then in the last couple of months she has been pulling back from me. So last night I went into her email and found that she had been talking to him for the last 3 weeks. He emailed her out of nowhere and at first she said that she couldnt talk to him but he was persistent and now she is emailing him and last week told me that she didnt think that we were right for each other although I think that we are the most compatible of anyone that I have ever dated. Later that night she took pictures of herself in lingerie and emailed them to him and then the next day emailed them to me and said that she had taken them earlier that morning.

Here is the thing though. I want to bust her and put an end to all this shit with this other guy but I do not want to end our relationship. When I saw it I was tempted to just bust her and get all pissed and then blow her lies out of the water. She has not met or seen him and I dont think that she is interested in dating or getting back together with him for a quickie or anything but she is getting distracted by this guy and it is pissing me off.

What would you guys do? Any ideas on how to bust her lies. My friend suggested cutting and pasting the pictures and then sending them from a fake email address and saying that he is posting the pics and sending them all over the internet. I am just not sure if this is the right move. :icon_conf

New member
Sep 21, 2004
well something has happened to where she has lost interest in you and her interest level has stooped way down. This is now a war that you are losing and will lose...almost like in arm wrestling where the guy is about half an inch from slamming your hand on the table but all the muscles in ur forearm is preventing that but will soon let up...

your pretty much in a position that you cant regain so the best thing to do is to dump her with no cause or reason. and whatever you do...DO NOT tell her that u got into her email because thats a whole new scenario waiting to explode in your face cuz she'll start telling everybody that ur a stalker and a freak and yada yada yada and it'll just turn into a huge mess. u know its not gonna work be the better man and dump her tonite...if she asks why, just tell her you got ur own reasons...and leave the relationship with her scratching her head...and sit back and enjoy life...3 months from now she'll be crawling back to you

Please write your complaint legibly in the box --&
May 9, 2005
Don't even consider staying with a chick that is sending sexy pics of herself to another dude. I think you have blinders on if you really think she is not looking for something out of this guy. You say you are pissed at the guy. Don't hate the game, hate the player, and your girl sounds like the player. Kick her to the curb and quick!

Nov 1, 2004
Listen to hellah's advice, that is the way you play this game.

If I may quote George Costanza, you need hand, and the only way to get it back is by dumping her, playing it cool, and having her come back to you eventually. And if she doesn't, you won't even notice brotha.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
GameBreaker said:
If I may quote George Costanza, you need hand, and the only way to get it back is by dumping her, playing it cool, and having her come back to you eventually. lost the upper hand on day 1...every relationship whether your white, black, chinese, arab, eskimo...whatever it is...the man MUST have the upper hand otherwise shit like this starts to happen.

"nice guys finish last"

theres a reason why people say that...I learned the hard way and most guys do

If you leave her with no casue or reason and totally give her the impression that you truly dont give a rats ass, you WILL have the ball back in your court and she will beg for you a few months after that...this is a game dont forget and you must always be unpredictable until you get married

but I do wanna say one thing, her dating the biker guy, being in a 3some, and sucking his friends dick shoulda been a hugeeee red flag! come on bro...:smoking:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well see the thing about the crazy behavior with the biker dude is that she is a straight and narrow kind of girl so I think that she got married young and never did anything crazy. I think that she just wanted to get it out of her system and I thought that she was over it. I am a nice guy and you are right that Nice guys finish last but this is somewhat different. I am willing to chalk it up to a mistake and see if she can move on and if it ever happened again I would walk away with no hesitation and never turn back. I want to give her a second chance and have given her a number of chances to come clean but she never gives in. I just want her to admit and say that she will not do it again. If it does happen again I would walk away in a second. She was going through some tough times and I am willing to forgive her if she admits to it. I know what her feelings are from the emails that she was sending him and I just want some honesty out of her.

ball dont lie
Sep 21, 2000
ditch that broad. let the bikers nab her and dope her up and sell her for cash and prizes. she may end up on unsolved mysteries.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
drvegas said:
Well see the thing about the crazy behavior with the biker dude is that she is a straight and narrow kind of girl so I think that she got married young and never did anything crazy. I think that she just wanted to get it out of her system and I thought that she was over it. I am a nice guy and you are right that Nice guys finish last but this is somewhat different. I am willing to chalk it up to a mistake and see if she can move on and if it ever happened again I would walk away with no hesitation and never turn back. I want to give her a second chance and have given her a number of chances to come clean but she never gives in. I just want her to admit and say that she will not do it again. If it does happen again I would walk away in a second. She was going through some tough times and I am willing to forgive her if she admits to it. I know what her feelings are from the emails that she was sending him and I just want some honesty out of her.

fool me once sham on you, fool me twice shame on me - get use to saying that....cuz ur gonna be saying that alot....nothing we can do to help you bro, your in love way too much with this woman even tho she has already lied to you and has prolly (actually for sure) cheated on the most important thing in a relationship is tossed out the window...TRUST

good luck...actually i take that back...all the luck in the world wont help you with this girl...shes fucked up....sorry to tell you


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
drvegas said:
My girlfriend had been friends with a guy for a while and they started dating and he is a wild a crazy biker guy. The total opposite of her tastes. So she went to strip clubs with him, had a threesome with a stripper, sucked one of his friends off........Later that night she took pictures of herself in lingerie and emailed them to him

Crazy biker guy...sucked off his friend...emailed pics to him...lied to you about it .....WTF are you thinking about?

RUN. FAR AWAY. DON'T LOOK BACK. geez there might be a crazy biker waiting for you.

Don't answer her emails. Don't take her calls. Go look at internet porn if you feel horny but whatever you do - DON'T contact her

Plus you snooped in her e-mail so the relationship was already fucked as if the above wasn't enough.

New member
Oct 20, 2002

have a threesome or foursome with her at the local bar on the pool table, then let her go. you sound like your in over your head (love). tell her you got your own reasons for leaving , and do not look back

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
drvegas said:
OK Guys I have to ask for some help in here

I have been dating this woman for the last 8 months. She is 31 and was married for 4 years but her soon to be ex decided that he did not want kids and they decided to break things off aver 2 years ago. So at that time they both started fooling around with long time friends. My girlfriend had been friends with a guy for a while and they started dating and he is a wild a crazy biker guy. The total opposite of her tastes. So she went to strip clubs with him, had a threesome with a stripper, sucked one of his friends off. OK I know that she sounds like a whore but she was just revounding from a marriage gone wrong. So she broke things off with him over a year ago and then we started dating about 6 months later. The first 6 months were awesome. Then in the last couple of months she has been pulling back from me. So last night I went into her email and found that she had been talking to him for the last 3 weeks. He emailed her out of nowhere and at first she said that she couldnt talk to him but he was persistent and now she is emailing him and last week told me that she didnt think that we were right for each other although I think that we are the most compatible of anyone that I have ever dated. Later that night she took pictures of herself in lingerie and emailed them to him and then the next day emailed them to me and said that she had taken them earlier that morning.

Here is the thing though. I want to bust her and put an end to all this shit with this other guy but I do not want to end our relationship. When I saw it I was tempted to just bust her and get all pissed and then blow her lies out of the water. She has not met or seen him and I dont think that she is interested in dating or getting back together with him for a quickie or anything but she is getting distracted by this guy and it is pissing me off.

What would you guys do? Any ideas on how to bust her lies. My friend suggested cutting and pasting the pictures and then sending them from a fake email address and saying that he is posting the pics and sending them all over the internet. I am just not sure if this is the right move. :icon_conf

The relationship is already over. You just don't know it yet.

Get out while you still have your dignity. And on your way out, no matter how much it hurts, act like you don't give a shit.

Sep 21, 2001
"She has not met or seen him and I dont think that she is interested in dating or getting back together with him for a quickie or anything but she is getting distracted by this guy and it is pissing me off. "

Come on man. What do you get out of lying to yourself? Have you really convinced yourself of this? There is nothing wrong with a girl like this but she is not for you - it's obvious you are looking for a relationship different from what she is looking for - you need to be honest with yourself and just move on - there's other women out there and you will be fine - no need to fight with her - just move on.

New member
Jan 18, 2006
Sit her down, tell her you are disappointed in her, that you had been really nosy and see where she takes the conversation.

If she doesn't admit to it, go easy on her and tell her whats up.

Tell her you dont know what to think or how to feel, but you expected better from her. See how she reacts, you'll be able to tell how she really feels about you.

Don't blow up on her, there will be plenty of chances for that down the road most likely.

New member
Apr 30, 2005
How about posting the picture and we will judge whether she is worthy of your love?


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